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Back in one of the early modules Jon talks about capitalization of corporations, names on thumbstones and on our bills: “they are sending them [the bills] to your trust” he says. It is my understanding that the trust/bond created with the issuance of either the birth certificate or the Social Insurance Number draws its value from our life energy and from our labor and the promise of our future labour, as Greg so beautifully explains in “Understanding Law And The Nature Of Society”. Even though this numbers and bonds don’t have anything to do with us in reality, as we have not created them, isn’t this a sort of “karmic weight” on our souls? aren’t all sorts of bad things perpetrated using the capitalization of our life energy? even if i extricate myself emotionally and practically from the game, moving everything in the private, that bond/trust keeps being traded, my promise of labour/life energy is still being manipulated and extracted. Since we can’t stop it unless we go rogue on society, don’t we have right to claim that resource? is this something any of you tried in your adventures as “freemen on the land”? do you know how to claim it?

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  1. from Greg short book:
    “it is the promise of future labor of the man acting as the legal fiction ‘borrower’ that increases the supply of fictional credit money in the financial reserve system” and “For a government bond to have any value it must be backed by something. The only thing that has any value is man labor and the promise of his future labor” (see also Woodrow Wilson famous quotation about Social Insurance)